Sex & Gender

Monday, 9 November 2015

Glossary of Sociological Terms

Sex - 

Females or males considered as a group. One's identity as either female or male. The sum of the characteristics that distinguish organisms on the basis of their reproductive   function, either of the two categories, male or female, into which organisms are placed on this basis (Biology) (
Two divisions, male and female, into which most organisms are grouped. Sex is  usually determined by anatomy, the makeup of the chromosomes, and the type and amountof hormones produced (

Gender - 

The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). The members of one or other sex. The state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones). The members of one or other sex (  The physical and/or social condition of being male or female. All males, or all females, considered as one group. The grammatical arrangement of nouns, pronouns and adjectives into masculine, feminine, and neuter types in some languages (

Gender Roles -

The overt expression of attitudes that indicate to others the degree of your maleness or    femaleness; "your gender role is the public expression of your gender identity". (
A gender role is a set of societal norms dictating what types of behaviours are generally considered acceptable, appropriate or desirable for a person based on their actual or perceived sex. The role or behaviour learned by a person as appropriate to their gender, determined by the prevailing cultural norms (

Masculinity - 

Relating to men or boys; male. ( Characterized by or possessing qualities traditionally attributed to men, such as aggressiveness.Grammar Relating or belonging to the gender of words or forms that refer chiefly to males or to things grammatically classified as male. (

Femininity - 

The trait of behaving in ways considered typical for women. Attributes, behaviours & roles typically associated with women & girls. Traits that are traditionally associated with femininity are gentleness,empathy & sensitivity. Although these traits aren't just found in women. Effeminate is a term that can be seen as derogatory term because some people see females as a lesser sex and is used towards people who are not of the female sex but show traits that are typically female ( There are also many occupational sterotypes linked with femininity such as midwife, teacher, receptionist, cook, housekeeper, nurse. (

Gender Identity - 

Your identity as it is experienced with regard to your individuality as male or female;  awareness normally begins in infancy and is reinforced during adolescence ( . A person’s perception of having a particular gender, which may or may not correspond with their birth sex ( Internal sense of self as male, female, both or neither (gender identity), (

Sexuality - 

The quality of being sexual, especially sexual orientation and behaviour ( Capacity for sexual feelings, a person’s sexual orientation or preference ( Sexuality is a massively diverse, and deeply personal thing. Understanding our  own sexuality is about the sexual feelings and attractions we feel towards other people, not just about who we have sex with. There are different types of sexuality, and it can take a huge amount of time to figure out what fits right with you. There are a few common labels people use to identify their sexuality. Your sexuality is not just defined by who you have sex with – it’s about how you feel and how you choose to identity yourself. ( 

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